
2020年9月29日—GOMInspect是一款免費視讀軟體,報告以視覺化的方式呈現,也可以查看三維掃描數據、量測與檢測數據和標稱數據、尺寸分析(二維、三維、GD&T、SPC)以及生成 ...,All-inclusiveZEISSINSPECTsoftware|Scan,inspect,analyze&report✓Widerangeoffreefunctions✓Free30-daytrialofProfessionalModule.,Thefirstfreeinspectionsoftwareonthemarketwithanalmostcompleterangeoffunctions.Thegoalwasclear:toenab...

【教學】GOM Inspect Suite 免費版、3D檢測軟體

2020年9月29日 — GOM Inspect是一款免費視讀軟體,報告以視覺化的方式呈現,也可以查看三維掃描數據、量測與檢測數據和標稱數據、尺寸分析(二維、三維、GD&T、SPC)以及生成 ...


All-inclusive ZEISS INSPECT software | Scan, inspect, analyze & report ✓ Wide range of free functions ✓ Free 30-day trial of Professional Module.

GOM Software is now ZEISS INSPECT

The first free inspection software on the market with an almost complete range of functions. The goal was clear: to enable easy access to 3D inspection.

GOM Inspect Software

GOM Inspect is a free mesh processing & inspection software for coordinate measuring machines, white light scanners, laser scanners, CTs, etc. Visit C...

GOM Software 2020

GOM的軟體是已知最佳的3D數據檢測方案。現在他有了一個更強大的新功能:通過GOM Inspect即可以觀察零件內部,分析幾何形狀、孔洞或內部結構和裝配情況。

GOM Inspect 免費版與專業版差異在哪?

首先,GOM Inspect是一套免費的三維檢測軟體,不僅能夠開啟多種3D軟體檔案,例如:IGES、STEP以及CATIA、NX、Solidworks或Pro/E的檔案,並以不同的工具檢測檔案是否與實際的產品 ...


ZEISS INSPECT is your software to analyze 3D, CT or motion data. Choose your variant. One intuitive software for all your measurement tasks.